Enough is enough.

Our legislature has lost its way - and South Carolinians are paying the price.

The fighting, the finger-pointing, the fringe issues…

It’s time to focus on what really matters:

Our Families, Our Freedoms, and Our Futures.

Our Families

  • It shouldn’t be so expensive to care for yourself and your loved ones when you need help most.

    • Extreme politicians in Columbia should be ashamed of themselves for failing to expand Medicaid across our state.

    • Francie thinks it’s wrong to leave those federal dollars on the table — especially when so many families are struggling with the cost of health care.

    • In the state Senate, Francie will fight for Medicaid expansion and work to bring down out-of-pocket costs, copays, and health insurance premiums. 

  • Every child deserves a high-quality education — no matter their zip code.

    • Francie believes it’s critical that we keep strengthening our learning outcomes across District 10.

    • We need to increase investments in our public schools and retain our committed teachers with competitive salaries.

    • Francie also believes that parents and teachers should have the final say in our children’s education — not extreme politicians in Columbia.

  • We need to make life easier and more affordable for working families.

    • In the state Senate, Francie will vote to curb out-of-control prices and bring down the cost of living in District 10. 

    • She supports incentivizing developers to build new, affordable housing, and she’ll fight to bring down the costs of child care and elder care.

    • Francie will also go after big corporations responsible for taking advantage of families and price-gouging amid inflation.

Our Freedoms

  • No one should feel unsafe in their own neighborhood.

    • Francie is a proud gun owner who respects the Second Amendment and your constitutional right to bear arms.

    • But she also believes in commonsense gun safety measures to keep our schools and communities safe — and to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and perpetrators of domestic violence.

    • Furthermore, Francie will fight to end the fentanyl crisis that has afflicted our communities, torn apart families, and worsened drug-related crime across District 10.

  • Big government and extreme politicians have no place in the doctor’s office. Period. 

    • Francie believes you should have the freedom to make your own health care decisions — and that South Carolinians should have more rights, not less.

    • In the state Senate, Francie will do everything in her power to protect reproductive freedom. 

    • She also will vote to protect access to IVF and contraception, because she believes women have the right to grow their families as they see fit.

  • Folks should be free to live, work, and thrive here in District 10 — no matter what they look like, where they come from, or who they love.

    • Francie will fight to protect her constituents from big government meddling in their bedrooms and personal lives. 

    • In the state Senate, she’ll vote to defend same-sex marriage and end workplace discrimination.     

    • She’ll also advocate hate crimes legislation, champion equal pay, and strengthen voting rights.  

Our Futures

  • Our economy must work for working families.

    • Francie believes we need to do everything we can to prepare District 10 for long-term economic success.

    • She wants to foster a stronger, fairer economy and create more good-paying jobs with good benefits — so folks can pay their bills and take care of their families.

    • She’ll also invest in our small businesses and hold big corporations accountable.

  • It shouldn’t take so long to get where you want to go.

    • Traffic jams, potholes, and injuries and deaths resulting from motor vehicle crashes are all hurting our quality of life here in District 10.

    • Francie supports improving existing infrastructure and building better bridges and roads to connect our communities.

    • She’ll also advocate infrastructure projects to make our region more resilient to extreme weather events and natural disasters.

  • We need to keep our communities healthy and habitable for generations to come.

    • Unlike some anti-science politicians in Columbia, Francie knows that climate change is real — and she’s ready to take serious action to mitigate its effects on District 10.

    • Francie is committed to improving the quality of our air and water.

    • She supports proactive climate planning, investing in nuclear power and alternative forms of energy, and holding big corporations accountable for pollution.

Are you ready to see our lawmakers focus on more of what matters?

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